What you'll learn:

A new, effective, easy to follow dwellness road map to more easily maintain and restore balance in your household

Easy, fun, simple and actionable weekly to-do's: Think mindful decluttering with a sprinkling of ancient Feng Shui 

Set the foundation: Create an environment that is conducive to healthier habits and routines for improved sleep, vitality, and self care

By the end of this challenge you will be able to ease into the fall season with a home that nurtures, restores, and holds space for your deepest desires

Meet your guide

Michelle Lillicrap

Feng Shui Master Holistic OT & Healthy Home Expert   Dwellness Home Services

I help women use home as a tool for healing by reconnecting to your deepest desires  and giving them a place to grow. Live in flow with the rhythms of nature. Cultivate your intuition. Connect to the healer within. And watch the magic unfold!

Imagine a home that soothes mind, body and soul

Join us for three Thursday mornings in September (9/5-9/19) at 10am Central on Zoom to discuss our weekly to-do's, the significance of each focus area of home from a Feng Shui perspective, and hold each other accountable in transforming our spaces! There will also be time for live Q & A!

Join us! 

Together let's ease our way from summer chaos to calming oasis as we prepare our homes to be the foundation for a healthy and thriving remainder of 2024!  Can't make it live?! Not to worry! You will get the recordings along with the class PDFs


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